Expresiile timpului – Time Idioms

De data aceasta subiectul ales este exprimarea timpului.  Avem multe expresii in limba engleza cand vorbim despre timp.

Daca vrei sa-ti imbunatatesti cunostiintele de limba engleza, ramai alaturi de mine in minutele care urmeaza.  Afla cum poti exprima timpul in limba engleza:

To beat the clockA reusi sa faci ceva inainte de expirarea timpului
Ex: He was afraid to be late, so he hurried in order to beat the clock. – I-a fost teama ca va intarzia, astfel incat s-a grabit pentru a ajunge la timp.

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To turn back the hands of timeA se intoarce in trecut
Ex: If they could turn back the hands of time, they wouldn’t have done what they did. – Daca ar putea sa se intoarca in trecut, nu ar mai face ceea ce au facut.Clipboard01







To kill timeA face ceva neinteresant pentru a trece timpul, a pierde vremea
Ex: I have 2 hours until my flight leaves. How am i going to kill time? – Am 2 ore pana cand avionul meu pleaca. Cum imi voi pierde timpul?


Once in a blue moonCeva care se intampla foarte rar
Ex: He gets to see his parents once in a blue moon, that’s because he lives abroad. – El isi vede parintii foarte rar, din cauza ca locuieste in strainatate.



Behind the times – A fi demodat
Ex: He is behind the times. His clothes are old-fashioned. – El este demodat. Hainele lui sunt de moda veche.


Time flies – Momentul in care timpul trece repede
Ex: Time flies when he is having a good time. – Timpul trece repede cand el se simte bine.

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Wast of time – A face ceva cu nici un scop, pierdere de timp
Ex: It’s a waste of time telling her to lose weight. She will never do it. – Este o pierdere de timp sa-i spui sa slabeasca. Ea nu o va face.


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The Big time – Nivelul maxim intr-o profesie
Ex: This is the big time for him. He got promoted to manager.- Este clipa cea mare pentru el. A fost promovat ca si manager.

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Time is money – Timpul inseamna bani
Ex: I can’t wait you all day. You should know that time is money. – Nu te pot astepta toata ziua. Ar trebui sa stii ca timpul inseamna bani.


In spare time – In timpul liber
Ex: In my spare time i like to learn French. – In timpul meu liber imi place sa invat franceza.


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